Interview: Jason Lee Parry

We spoke to Jason Lee Parry about his life as a film photographer, where he draws inspiration from and his goals and ambitions for the future. 


You photographed this campaign with our team in the French Riviera – what were some highlights from the shoot? 

"Scouting the countryside with the Faithfull team, stumbling into quaint villages like Grasse, and the wonderful hospitality of Chateau des Sources. On wrap day some of the crew, including myself, jumped off a 45ft. cliff into the Mediterranean Sea. Such a cool experience to have with everyone." 


As a photographer you travel quite a bit, where are some of your favorite destinations and why? 

"Chefchaouen, Morocco, the Saharan Desert and Tuscany, Italy. I really enjoyed walking the narrow and colorful streets of Chefchaouen. The colors were inspiring and I felt every angel could be turned into a beautiful image.. The landscape of the Sahara felt really original and I loved how empty and vast it was. So beautiful without all that clutterness. and Tuscany is becoming my beautiful mistress, it's one of my favorite places in the world in general, it's a place I feel truly at peace."


“I remember all these strange, unique, and sometimes beautiful, experiences that I felt needed to be captured”

How did you get into photography and motion – and how long have you been in the industry? 

"As a younger child I was overly visually stimulated. I lived in over 16 states before the age of 15. I remember all these strange, unique, and sometimes beautiful, experiences that I felt needed to be captured. In saying this my first love/distraction was skateboarding that started at age 10. So between skateboarding I began to take pictures of real, raw subjects and circumstances. So I've been in this industry for 24 years now."


Describe your perfect weekend escape.

"Driving through Tuscany in a 1956 190SL Mercedes convertible with no real plans...just discovering great food and wine off the beaten path."


At what age did you shoot your first roll of film?

"My first roll of film was shot when I was sixteen"


Best piece of advice you were even given?

"Simplify. Don't make things harder then they need to be and to take chances."


“People who have the guts to create for themself, not caring what others may think. That inspires me.”

Who or what do you draw inspiration from?

"Music is my main source of inspiration...the medium being the most expressive of the arts. It creates different moods and opens me up to explore new ideas. I also draw inspiration from life experiences, spontaneity, the freedom to be creative. People who have the guts to create for themself, not caring what others may think. That inspires me. Thinking of an original idea and bringing it to life is when I’m at my best, and when the magic happens."


When we last spoke, you were preparing for your Art Exhibition – tell us a little more about this (if you can) and what the inspiration behind this was?

"I am working on an exhibition titled "So Long Gone." Taking a break from everyday fashion shoots and less on clothing and more on art. One aspect of the series is conceptual fine art body painting with innovative and sporadic ideas touching upon nature, architecture, old art masters and modern inspirations. Pushing the talent to really let go so they can achieve unique creative positions to align with the background and scenarios.  The whole story is about art, mood and beauty without it being too perfect."


Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?

"Teaching my 12 year old son how to express himself through a lens, or whatever medium he chooses. Alot of directing and working my way up to a feature film. As well as have enough of a body of work to do multiple art exhibitions around the globe."


“I'd like to take the Hiram Bingham train through Machu Picchu as well as the Venice Simplon Orient-Express train through Europe.”

What destination is at the top of your bucket list?

"There's so many different places I want to explore,  for so many different reasons. Just to name a few:  I'd like to take the Hiram Bingham train through Machu Picchu as well as the Venice Simplon Orient-Express train through Europe. Would also love to shoot a story in Quiraing, Isle of Skye, Scotland."

Photographer :

Jason Lee Parry

Collection :


Model :

Fredrikke Sofie